Ok, so calendar dates that announce the beginning of fall mean nothing to me. To me, fall is announced by the slightly cooler mornings and nights, pumpkins and Indian corn for sale at grocery stores, and holy crap! the special seasonal baking aisle going up at Wal-Mart! I love that aisle. Just the sight of it makes me incredibly happy.
This love story with fall has not always been the case for me. Formerly, fall signified the closing of my beloved summer vacation, the beginning of my hated school year, and the prelude to dreaded winter. Not to mention death to trees. But now, having to no longer suffer through school, I can appreciate fall for its good qualities. Cooler temperatures. Beautiful foliage. Fun decorations. And the starting line to three super great holidays. But as I was marveling in the wonderfulness of fall last night, I realized my mistake. I forgot that fall still does signify bad things: THE BEGINNING OF DEER SEASON. Today is the first day of October, and the first day of bow season. I am wearing black in mourning. Today marks the first day of this year's hunting widow season. I let it sneak up on me. You would think that after 8 years I would be on top of my game and not be caught off guard by the opening of this dreaded season. But alas, I failed myself this year. Now I will have no help painting the bedroom, organizing the shop, weeding the front flower beds. All time must now be focused on deer.
I hate fall.
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