Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sticker Shock

I was discussing falling off the exercise wagon yesterday with a friend who is also involved in a life-long battle with weight. And in talking, I started flipping back through my calendar to note, courtesy of my stickers that Sara so geniusly thought up, that OMG, I suck. I wish I could insert that emoticon of the horrified smiley face because it is that bad. Allow me to demonstrate, all the way back to late January when I began:

August=2 stickers (and counting!)
July=1 sticker (though that does not include vacation activities)
June=3 stickers
May=10 stickers
April=15 stickers
March=12 stickers
February=15 stickers
January=2 stickers (but I started at the end of the month).

I blame summer school and the loss of my workout buddy for the down slide recently. Ok, ok, I blame myself. Sigh.

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