Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Arroz con Leche

In early 2007 when Holly, Michelle and I were in NYC, we ate at a Cuban restaurant in the theater district before seeing Mamma Mia. A few months before that, I had bought Elliott a CD of Spanish lullabies, and one of the songs on it was titled, "Arroz con Leche." I know enough Spanish to know that meant rice with milk. But I couldn't for the life of me figure out why that was a lullaby. I asked my friend Roberto about it, and he let me know that it's a dessert. Please note that at that point my mind did not get that "OH!" moment it should have. Arroz con leche = rice pudding! So anyhoo, we are at the Cuban restaurant, and I see it on the menu, and I start singing the lullaby. I thought I was singing quietly. Apparently not quietly enough because the waiter heard me...and he brought us a free order of rice pudding! So, friends, let it be known that I sang for my supper in the theater district of NYC. And was not boo'd.

I had a craving for rice pudding the other night, and the only recipe I have for it takes TWO HOURS. Ridiculous. But the craving was strong, so I went for it. I told Elliott I was making dessert, so he was periodically checking in on the status of the dessert. When it was ready, I scooped him a bowl, told him it was hot, then went in the living room. I ate mine (delicious!) then went to check on him (he and Doug were watching a movie elsewhere). His bowl looked untouched. I let him know it was cool enough to eat now, to which he quickly let me know he did not like rice pudding. I felt really bad about the whole build up of dessert that he didn't end up liking. So the next morning I told him I was sorry he didn't like the dessert I made. And he responded: "Next time, make a cake. It be better for me." :)

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