Friday, August 28, 2009

Red Light, Green Light

If you have never seen Money Talks with Chris Tucker, do yourself a favor and watch this clip:

Elliott's preschool class uses the Traffic Light approach for behavior.
  • Green light: Followed directions/minded the teacher
  • Yellow light: Not following all directions; getting warnings on behavior
  • Red light: Received 3 or more warnings; loss of center time or time out
The moms I'm in contact with are all quite obsessed with this right now. Yes, myself included. Here's where I'm having a "HUH??" moment. Wednesday Elliott was super good for morning drop off, but was on red that day with a note about not using listening ears and being a follower of bad behavior. Yesterday, as if you couldn't guess from my post, was an awful drop off day, but he was on Green yesterday. ???. I have no idea what's going on with him. Sara has a new theory that his moods are a product of too much sugar, which is a valid thought, but one that puts me into extreme panic mode. Take away sugar? I might as well cut off my arms.

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