Thursday, November 19, 2009

Vegas Day 1: Le Annoying

Super early Wednesday morning we headed to the airport, where I was delighted to run into the Robbins. A few minutes later I was not so delighted when the button popped off my blue jeans in the bathroom. With my belts in my checked luggage and no safety pin to be found, I had to walk around half the day with my pants poking out. Beautiful.

On the plane, Erica had a bad bout of motion sickness, and my sinuses threatened to explode. Holly and Michelle kept up the momentum of being the normal people on the trip :)

Luckily our flights were like clockwork, and we arrived in Vegas on time. Courtney, Holly's sister, arrived pretty close on schedule also, and we hopped into the shuttle to head to the hotel. Total bummer, the advertisement on the shuttle completely blocked our view out the windows. Grumble.

We arrived at the Paris hotel and were met with a haze of cigarette smoke and Le Concierge, Le Toilettes, Le Journal, Le Buffet...LE GIVE ME A BREAK. We dumped our stuff and headed out to see the Bellagio fountain show across the street. "One" from A Chorus Line is still stuck in my head, but it is really cool. Next we hit up some stores before changing and grabbing a cab off-strip to Rosemary's Restaurant: Thank you, Michelle, you Frommers freak, for this amazingly delicious find. YUM!!

After a long day of traveling, we were all ready to hit our beds early. So when two of my coworkers called and woke me up at a ridiculously early time, I had to save face by saying I was sick. Which was true in that I had a head cold and had taken lots of Sudafed to fly and Tamiflu (and apparently that wine at dinner with those meds wasn't such a good idea). I would write about the sleep ping-pong match that occurred between Erica and me during the night, but that would result in a breech of contract.

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