Wednesday, November 18, 2009


It's a little impossible for me to tell the story 100% in chronological order since it has been 4 years...OMG, it's been 4 years. Wow. I entertained for about 1.5 seconds the thought that a blog 4 years ago to chart the journey would have been fantastic. And then I quickly realized I probably would have gotten arrested because I can visualize me Photoshop'ing certain peoples heads onto Wanted posters. Shew, dodged that bullet.

At the end of August 2005, I was headed to an annual conference I helped to coordinate. This particular meeting used to rotate locations all around the South. And of all the meetings I had to attend, this one sucked the least. In 2005 it was located in Charleston, and as I had been to Charleston in 2002 with Holly (a story that begs to be told another day), I knew it was a cool city. So I was fairly excited (read as: not depressed and crying) that Sunday morning when I checked in at the GTR airport. And I am not even making up what comes next, I promise. I checked in, handed over my baggage and started walking toward the restroom. And stopped dead in the middle of the GTR airport with a look of complete shock on my face. And the following is a close representation of what occurred in my brain: CHARLESTON?!? I'M GOING TO CHARLESTON?!? CHARLESTON AS IN THE LOCATION OF THE NANCYS?!? OMG!!! I CAN GO SEE THE NANCYS!!! I don't know how in the world it had not occurred to me before then that I would be getting this chance. I guess I was a tiny bit stressed. But oh how excited I was! So on Monday or Tuesday of that week, I ducked out of the meeting at break and WALKED SEVERAL BLOCKS to the office. And there I met my Nancys!

I got our red bracelets from their office that day, and we wore those bracelets without taking them off until Friday, May 5, 2006.

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