Monday, April 27, 2009

My Other Needy Child

I'm trying to find balance is so many areas of my life. For one, turning down the mommy guilt so that I don't always have to accompany Doug and Elliott to see Doug's parents on Sundays. Mommy guilt of not seeing my child on the last day of the weekend versus getting things accomplished around the house. Yesterday I did dishes, LAUNDRY (in all caps to emphasize how much I did and how much I still need to do), cleaned the hall bathroom (Kasey, boys are so gross, I don't know how you live with 2 add'l ones), planted more (free) flowers, watered flowers planted on Friday, paid bills, attempted to make a menu for this week, etc. At some point during the day I noticed that Priss was following me around. And not with the "Hey, I'm hungry, would you please follow me to the laundry room and feed me" walk or the desperation of a crazy animal that can sense weather or doomsday. Just a casual accompaniment as I went about my day. I guess I realized it when I was scrubbing the tub and she was sitting on the side watching me. Later that night she sat on top of the wingback while I looked at a magazine. Doug commented on it, and I reported that she had been following me around all day. Sweet, right? Or does it signal, as I suspect, her utter dislike of having Elliott take over the house. I think it's her not so subtle way of reminding me exactly who was the first child. It makes me feel kind of cool to have a feline entourage. Right up until I realize that makes me one step closer to crazy cat lady later in life. I guess better crazy cat lady than crazy parrot lady. Then again, how totally pimp is it to nonchalantly walk into a pharmacy with a parrot on your shoulder and scare the living shit out of a perfectly nice technician?


Kasey said...

yes boys are so gross. Cael has pulled his pants and underwear down in wal mart before and proceeded to scratch his butt while I wasn't looking but other people were. embarrassing right. there are plenty of stories like that.

Chicken's Mom said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wait, I better stop laughing.