Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Praying for Potty

See, this is why there is such a run on mom blogs. Because there are horrible things like POTTY TRAINING that are better discussed in the written word than by torturing your surrounding posse with verbal assault about all things toilety.

So along with the book we ordered, "Big Boys Go Potty," we also received a note from daycare yesterday: "Mr. & Mrs. Shaw, we feel E is ready to potty train. Please send lots of pairs of underwear." Ok, so it said more than that, but you get the idea. And I'm like torn between two responses. Outrageous laughter ending in "Good luck with that" and concern that if he is pushed, he will delay this accomplishment even longer. And again I say, JERO's CHILD! So I guess we're going to let them take a crack at it. I mean, if someone else wants to take this lovely task on for me, go right ahead. Just don't traumatize my child. His list of issues is too long as it is. :) But if you would like to pray for all of us in this endeavor, we would greatly appreciate the shoutout.

And for those of you who fear he's having an identity crisis with the whole Chicken thing, have no fear. He knows who he is. When I asked him last night if he was a poopster (code for having a poopie pullup), he said, "No, I Elliott." Ah, avoidance at its best.

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