Monday, September 26, 2011

Platter Up

Erica has grown fond of saying I have so much going on that I no longer have a plate, I have a PLATTER.  That seemed like the perfect transition into a pity party.

As I've been collecting dossier documents I've been sending them to the agency for review.  There is no reason on earth to get a document state certified and authenticated only to have your agency tell you there is something wrong with it.  HAVE EVERYTHING REVIEWED.  I mentioned just days ago that doctors' offices are by far the hardest people to get adoption paperwork from.  And I know they are busy, I get that.  But by gosh how hard is it to read directions?  If their staff is incapable of following simple directions, how am I to trust them with my health and records?  Just give that some thought while I explain how they are making this process difficult.

Prior to starting down this road again, neither Doug nor I had a primary care physician.  I have a GYN, and he has an endocrinologist.  If we get say, a sore throat, we see a nurse practitioner.  Well nurse practitioners can't do adoption paperwork.  So we found Doug a primary care physician.  And I was all set to say HE did everything right on Doug's checklist.  And then the agency told me that it's not adequate for the doctor to note that Doug's vision is 20/13, it must be noted CORRECTED (i.e., he wears glasses). 

Did you just notice that there is a VISION component to the medical checklist?  Wait, it gets better.

So my doctor, being as he is an OB/GYN, put "NE" (which I can only assume means "no exam") on my form.  That will not fly.  Why?  "... will need to see that you don't have any vision issues, since this directly relates to eligibility." 

Ok, so Doug also has to have a letter from his endocrinologist b/c of his RTA.  That letter is being reviewed now.  Even if that letter gets the seal of approval, that doctor doesn't have a notary on staff.  Neither does my doctor.  This is where I would like to insert a clip of myself having a Chevy Chase/Clark W. Griswold fit.


Stay tuned for a more positive post to come.  Hopefully.

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