Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Tin Years

I've always dreamed of reaching the tin or aluminum anniversary (HA!), and now we have! I had to look up why such a random gift is the denoted 10-year anniversary gift. I was shocked and pleased to discover:
The pliability of tin and aluminum is a symbol of how a successful marriage needs to be flexible and durable and how it can be bent without being broken.
I raise my glass to a patient man who has moved with me four times, who followed me to Guatemala and back with our baby, who has lived with me through six years of school, and who has been gracious enough to let our pet count grow to 6 (then 7, then back to 6, then 7, then back to 6). And endured a dirty house for 3,650 days.

Someone give this man a medal!

Note: Pictures are crappy quality due to taking pictures of pictures!

I love you, DM(P)S!

By the way, I've missed my ring a whole lot -- it's too little right now.
I had to lotion my hand to get it on this morning.
BUT, that is part of my weight loss goal!

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