Monday, May 17, 2010

Pity Party Plea

Ok, so I know that I have SO MUCH to be thankful for. I do, I realize it. But can I have a few minutes for what will seem like a trivial pity party? Please? Ok, thank you.

Elliott has been complaining of stomach pain for over a week now. We've been to the clinic once, I've talked to the doc on the phone twice (once he was at home, bless him), and we have our 2nd prescription being called in now. It could very well be anxiety. Could be nothing. But this mom is a major worrier. You would be going "AHA!" right about now if he was burdened with my genetics. Related, quite possibly, is the fact that he is once again -- after the nicest of reprieves -- crying about going to daycare again. S-I-G-H. So, that is how my week kicked off. Plus, today was teacher request day for 4k at "big school." Jero called me 2x before I ever even made it there. Once to tell me he didn't know two of the names on the sheet, and once to tell me that the monthly cost had doubled. D-O-U-B-L-E-D. No, it's not a horrendous amount. However, I have been tiding myself over/giving myself hope/not letting myself jump off a cliff by telling myself over and over again, "I'll have $200/month extra this fall..."

Was this a morning of epic disaster? No. Did it start my day off gripey? Yes. Is it normal stuff people deal with all the time? Yes. However, for now, I am indulging in a little pity party for one. I do look splendid in my pink feather boa, after all, and therefore should wear it every chance I get.


Swann Queen said...

I'm sorry. I do however feel worse about your Toy Story outlook. It's a crazy world.

Kasey said...

Sorry you had a bad day. I have something that will make you laugh.... Our names were printed in the Sunday paper yesterday for not cutting our yard at our old house. Turns out it is still somehow in our name and the new owners have not only failed to cut their grass but they have also failed to pay the taxes.

Chicken's Mom said...

Kasey, how terrible! That would make me wanna show my tail to those other folks!