Thursday, May 20, 2010

Air Raid Siren

I've got it! I need an air rade siren installed in my house, and every time I make a fatal parenting mistake, it will start wailing at me. Like last Monday night (a week and a half ago). That was the 2nd night (not consecutively) that Elliott had complained of stomach pain and what I assume is nausea ("I think I'm gonna throw up!"). He requested the throw up bowl, the wet rag, he looked peaked, the whole enchilada. Yes, he had just had the stomach virus a few weeks before, so yes the fear of throwing up was very clear in his mind. I thought he was about to embark on round 2 of the stomach bug. So, being terribly afraid choking in all forms and having just heard a story about my cousin's child vomiting in her sleep, I put him in our bed that night. I KNOW! I KNOW! MISTAKE!

So, now the stomach aches appear by all intents and purposes to be anxiety-induced. They are like clockwork: at bedtime and before school/daycare. Oh wait, and for some strange reason, in restaurants. Now, the other two I get. But I cannot figure out why the child who previously LOVED to go out to eat is now crying to go home. Mystery!
Me: What am I going to do with this child?
Erica: Just love him and hug him...
Me: ...and fill him full of Tums.
Happy rainy Thursday to you all!

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