Friday, February 26, 2010

Sins of the Finances: Chapter 3

This chapter should just be titled: ELLIOTT. Portrait sessions, clothes each season, holidays, etc. etc. etc. And again I say, all those purchases on the wrong kind of plastic were due to POOR PLANNING. It certainly didn't help that he went to the ER 3 times in the first year (broken wrist, which of course came with multiple orthopedic visits as well; potential aspirin poisoning; and my personal favorite, the bleeding eye).

He is also the reason we will right these wrongs NOW. We will not burden him in the future with student loans b/c of poor parental planning. We will not start his adulthood behind the curve. We are doing the hard work now not only for us, but for him and his future. And that includes teaching him about money and teaching him that he cannot have everything in life handed to him.

Plus, if we don't get ahead of the curve now, we will never be able to provide him with a sibling. That is our reality.

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