Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Backside Backslide

I'm back in my swimsuit bottoms again (sing to tune of Aerosmith's "Back in the Saddle Again"). And it's a good thing because the pants I have on today have been getting a little thin through the rear. The swimsuit bottoms are acting like high end compression drawers. Rock on.


Vicki said...

Oh how I love to read the stories of you not doing laundry and having to wear swimsuit bottoms. That just cracks me up everytime (which I might add have read several times during your blogging). That is why my dear I have purchased several packs for myself, my husband and my child. We have 3 drawers (haha made a joke) full of undies. We may not have clean clothes but we definately have the clean undies.

Chicken's Mom said...

See, I'm like a Public Service Announcement for how not to live! :)