Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bring on the Eye Cream, This Girl is 30

I came into the world in a thunderstorm (insert obvious jokes here), so I think it's kinda cool that today is a rainy day.

Erica made my morning by calling and singing Barbra Streisand to me. Facebook is full of well wishes, and two friends even made me their FB statuses!! JACK has already called me (I'm very impressed with this one). Sara and Van have IM'd. Coworkers have well-wished from the hall. My boss is taking me to lunch with all my work buddies. And my guys and I are having a mini celebration tonight (chili dogs, french fries, and cupcakes), though I had to plan it myself...ah, the things we do so our kids won't think we're lame :)

Tomorrow night, dinner at my Mom's. Oh, and shopping with my mom this afternoon. (Had a nice meal with Doug's family last weekend.)

Look out 30s, here I come!


Kasey said...

Happy Birthday!!! Hope you had a great day. I will be 30 this year too.

Chicken's Mom said...

Thanks! We're going to make 30 look outstanding! :)