Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

Well, let's see. How have you been? Busy, I'm sure. Same here. I love Christmastime, but boy is it exhausting! I went back to work today after two glorious weeks off. You cannot beat working for the state when it comes to vacation time.

Like every other schmuck, I am starting the new year with some resolutions. What better guideline to follow than the old saying, "...healthy, wealthy and wise." Except let's face it, the best I can shoot for this year is LESS debt rather than wealthy. In fact, I don't even care about being wealthy, I'm shooting for comfortable. Wait, make that shooting for comfortable as a long-range goal and NOT PANICKING as a short-range goal. I am going to be very honest with you, friends. My current debt is crippling me emotionally. More to come on this topic.

So the two books I'm reading right now are Dave Ramsey's The Total Money Makeover (it is taking me a really long time to read it because I read a little, panic, put it down, pick it back up weeks later, repeat) and Weight Watchers Family Power: 5 Simple Rules for a Healthy-Weight Home. Now, I must confess that a friend let me borrow the latter at least a year ago, and I am just now picking it up to read it. Interestingly enough, the stages discussed within the book would tell you that means I was in precontemplation and not ready to even consider a change. Interesting.

Ok, so healthy. As compared to my weight at the end of January 2009, I am only 8.5 lbs down, which really pisses me off. I lost my 10-lb advantage as I've been calling it. However, since that weight was taken near the end of January, I do have a few weeks before I make my official one-year-later weight tally. I am attempting the following steps in order to be healthier:
  • Breaking up with Dr. Pepper AGAIN ("Hello, my name is Emily, and I am addicted to Dr. Pepper.") . I have not had one since New Year's Eve, meaning I have not had one at all in 2010! I have also not had any kind of carbonated beverage (not even diet) or sweet tea since New Year's Day. And I've had the headache to prove it. Now seems like a good time to ask myself why in the world after a detox period I allow myself to backslide? WHY?

  • No sugar in the house in order to benefit all family members. I cleaned out the pantry, did away with the regular candy jar, and stashed a secret supply of emergency candy in a cabinet that is not regularly used. Treats are allowed outside the home. I want to make sure my child is healthy in mind and body, so I don't want to create sugar issues for him by going too far the other way either. Hello, sister of a borderline diabetic brother right here. Much more to come on this topic also.

  • Eating out less: work lunches, weekends, the whole kit and kaboodle. This also plays into the less debt aspect. Of course, this has to be balanced against better meal planning and grocery shopping. Working on that with a master menu system (kudos to Sara for this one) and an awesome menu notepad from Erica! I dig it so much I may have lovingly caressed it when Doug wasn't looking. It makes me happy.

  • Exercise and a more active lifestyle for all members of the house. I have a new DVD (Bob's Bootcamp!), a kettlebell, a workout ball, and Elliott got a Smart Cycle Extreme. Oh, and we both have jump ropes now. Other goals include more outside play to come when the weather warms up and being less sedentary (TV!) in general.
Ok, so wealthy...hahaha, in less debt. Let's see, I've paused the Dish Network service, which will not only help with the bullet point above but which will save us $300 over the next 6 months. Some doctor's office will be thrilled to get paid! ;) I hope that the coming tax refund will cover the remaining medical bills and if I'm lucky (I'm crossing all appendages and contorting myself into a pretzel) will also be enough to pay off my friends from the Vegas trip. You want to know when you've hit rock bottom? When you owe people you have a personal relationship with. It not only sucks, it's humbling. And eye-opening. Maybe if Discover put a picture of one of my friends up there, I might think twice about swiping that pretty silver card.

I'm currently working on a mental draft of either an upcoming blog chapter (multiple entries) or just a private journal to myself about my financial sins. Because see, I tend to focus on where and when I DON'T spend money and not to take into account (and take responsibility for) the ridiculous times I do spend money.

My other projects I'm working on in relation to my healthy, wealthy and wise goals are (1) a new multi-author blog and (2) a family (mom, aunts, etc.) accountability system for weight loss and exercise. As soon as Sara, Elizabeth and I roll out the blog, you'll be the first to know.

So here I am, striving to be better at life when I turn two and a half weeks.


Kissey said...

easy healthy quick meal for you

you'll need: one pack (about 3-4) turkey cutlets, available in the butcher section of your local kroger usually next to the pre-made kebabs, one can of fire-roasted tomatoes (or a lot of little cherry tomatoes, halved, whichever you prefer, but you might have to add some water in the recipe), one pack chopped frozen spinach (or fresh spinach), one package soft herbed cheese, like boursin, (you can use the regular or the light, but take a look at that calorie/fat content first!), some extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper, and fennel (which i don't use, cause i usually don't have any).

-defrost the pack of chopped spinach.
-heat the olive oil (a turn of the pan or so) in a large skillet.
-give the cutlets a good pounding to flatten them out and season with salt and pepper.
-place a mound of the spinach and cheese on one side of each cutlet and fold over the other side to make the turnover. secure with toothpicks.
-place turnovers in the heated oil, on medium high, and cook for a few minutes on each side until slightly browned. this can get tricky, so use tongs and don't worry if the stuffing falls out a bit.
-after both sides have cooked, pour in the can of tomatoes and juice (or your little cherry tomatoes and some water).
-bring to a quick boil, then cover and turn down the heat and cook for about 8-10 minutes, or until the turkey is done.

hope you like! here's to healthy eating.

Chicken's Mom said...

Thanks so much!