Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Silence, My Lambs

Many years ago my mom was called to jury duty and was picked and went through the whole trial shabang. On the final day of court, she came home and somehow we knew that it was over or a verdict had been decided on. So Daddy asked her what verdict they delivered. To which she very calmly replied, "I'm not allowed to tell you that, you'll have to read the paper tomorrow." No amount of persuasion, ridicule, etc. from all of us would make her budge.

So there was this big meeting at church last week. And the next day I'm like, "So what did they decide?" To which she replied, "I'm not supposed to tell." And she didn't tell me! I mean, HELLO! Jeb, contact the military and tell them about the valuable weapon they are not utilizing: BARBARA, THE VAULT.

And can I just say it's ridiculous that church is keeping secrets? Geez.

1 comment:

mkraiz said...

Well, at least she can keep a secret! My mom used to blab all my secrets that I told her to anyone and everyone!