Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Vegas Baby!

I am super pumped about the pending destination celebration for the combined 30th birthdays of my 3 BFFs and myself. And after being on Cloud 9 all day about it, I realized, "Hey, Fattie, you could make a good push in the next few weeks and maybe feel a little better about yourself in Vegas." So I promptly looked at my calendar: 7 weeks until tentative departure. I am challenging myself to exercise MINIMALLY 5 days a week and to only treat myself to DP on Sundays. Still in negotiations with sugar, my arch enemy. Say a prayer for my motivation and time management, please!


Kissey said...

you can do it emily! 30 minutes a day, lots of fruits and veggies til dinner. trade ice cream for greek yogurt (my trick). you will learn to love it, swear. keep a food/exercise log.

Chicken's Mom said...

Thanks for your positivity! Today, when I caved and had a DP for lunch, I did convince myself to POUR the rest of it out! I don't think I've ever poured out DP!