Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Mock, mock, mock. Can you hear it too? The universe is mocking me. I've been practicing all this Mind over Matter bullshit for a whole 2.5 weeks, pepping myself up for every day I continue to feel like myself and not like some monster ruled by ass-injected hormones. And then today happened. Being the frequent urinater (I'm making up words I'm so pissed), I calmly strolled into the restroom at work (for those who don't know, I am strategically right beside the bathroom; awesome) only to discover I had started my period. I'm pretty sure I have 0-1 male readers, but in case any guys are reading this I apologize for what you have blindly stumbled into. Anyhoo, I come back and do three things immediately. One, email Erica. Two, google Lupron. Three, IM HS who has also been to Crazy Town. Two out of three, and my memory from 2005 (answer to come from 1 source), say that you are not supposed to have a period while on Lupron. In fact, states, "Lupron usually causes women to stop ovulating or having menstrual periods." Please note the word USUALLY. WTF.

Happy 9-9-09! Mock, mock, mock.

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