Thursday, September 24, 2009

Meet the Fleabags

We have so many animals now that I have to shelve and catalog them.

Priss (bottom shelf): Eight-year old spayed female. Found as a kitten by Penny's dad. I believe we got her in December 2000. She, like me, is overweight. Plus, she has saggy belly, which I like to play with. Allergic to fleas (REALLY?!?) and gets "scabbies" around her neck when they get out of hand. Liked Elliott until he became mobile. Has lived lots of her life in hiding. I am her #1. Her favorite time of day is when Elliott goes to bed, and she can come out and lounge with me.

Phillip the Female Cat (top shelf): Basic info can be obtained in previous post. Half vampire, half spider monkey. I have never had a cat that likes to bite for fun so much. Climbs the shower curtain on a regular basis. Conducts jingly ball practice in the bathtub for that true roller derby feel. Killer of roaches. Patient with Elliott as if she understands her lot in life as "his" cat. Thinks she is my baby, and likes to be held accordingly. Has found that an open Stats book is a great place to sleep. Lover of Corn Pops.

Luckily, they have found a peace together in their room (the laundry room) that Priss and CW would never have managed. Party on.

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