Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 19: Both Shoes Firmly in Place

I feel like there are a few people who are waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop aka for the first super crazy Emily fit. I would like to ensure to all interested parties that I am feeling quite well even though my female parts are trying to take over the free world and the universe is mocking me. I have no idea what would make them think such a fit is coming. I mean, it's not like I've ever locked myself in a bathroom while hosting Wrestling Night and reorganized my bathroom while my friends tried to slide a Xanax under the door wrapped in cheese. Sheesh. But should that have ever happened, I would like to say that almost anyone would have freaked out that day. It was the day my baby brother reported to boot camp. Something shitty happened at work (imagine that), and a pie plate full of food exploded in my oven ABOVE the other pie plate full of food. We were also 1.5 months into adoption paperwork, and I was working two jobs. An aspirin could have put me over the edge that day. And for the record, should you like to amuse yourself at work today, Google "lupron side effects" or something to that nature and read the horrendous stories ladies have posted on webboards. And then, DOUG, thank your lucky stars that the bathroom was still standing that day.

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