Saturday, September 26, 2009

Bye Bye, Bruce Banner

Mind over matter, my ass. Meltdown #1 has occurred. Poor Doug, he just sat and watched (and grilled) as I just cried and cried and cried last night. I could not stop. Part of my brain was still functioning and knew I was being ridiculous. Unfortunately, that part was the minority party and couldn't outvote the majority. I kept thinking of ERT, who has had REAL issues to cry about this week. But that kind of logic was not heard over the crying. In fact, that small part of my brain that was still functioning normally kept thinking I really wish I had an electronic counter like Bruce Banner that would go from 33 days backwards to zero like on the newest Hulk movie. That would rock.

They are currently tearing down the former Borden factory in Starkville. Wonder if I might possibly buy the sign that used to be out front: "Days without accident: __"

1 comment:

Kissey said...

days without accident--i loved when i would drive by it and see it had gone down to something like "4."