Monday, May 18, 2009

Two Terrors and a Toilet

Saturday night we had a crawfish boil at our house for approximately 30 people. The rain tried hard to ruin our time, but we persevered with tents and a segregated party (men outside, women inside, HA!). As the party was winding down and after most people had headed home, I suddenly smelled the strong aroma of hand soap coming from 1 room away. Huh? you may say. But Elliott has gotten in trouble on several occassions for playing with hand soap and shaving cream in the back bathroom. So when I realized I smelled hand soap followed 1/2 second later by the realization that I heard water running, I jumped from the table and bolted toward the bathroom. Where I found two 3-year-olds with wet heads, passing a towel back and forth between them. I started yelling, when my son volunteered the following information: "We stuck our heads in the toilet." Reaction to come in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1: huh? you what?....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Penny came to investigate, and she also started laughing. We could not scold for laughing. Corgan then volunteered, "I did not put my face in, just my head." The investigation continued, and when I asked what happened to (a) all the soap and (b) the top of the soap dispenser, she proudly announced (a) "we put the soap in the toilet" and (b) "we flushed the top down the toilet." Miraculously, the toilet seems ok. Crossing fingers it will remain that way. As for the dysfunctional twins, I fear this is only a suggestion of what is to come from them. Bring on the Clairol.

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