Monday, May 4, 2009

Postal Problems

When Doug and I moved from Stk to WP, we lived in my great-grandmother's former apartment in the house my dad would soon inherit. On the front porch of our very large apartment were two doors and two wall-mounted mailboxes. Not long after we moved in, the ever so bright mailman returned my box of checks -- checks that I needed to pay bills with and subsequently was late on at least one -- with the following reason: "No mail receptacle present." The rant that ensued was one of my finest. Not only did we have a mail receptacle, we had TWO OF THEM. PICK ONE, YOU FREAK. You can see that 8 years has not dulled my feelings on the matter.

Two residences later, we have new mail issues. Apparently, we either had a substitute carrier on Friday and Saturday or we have a new, and incredibly stupid much like the one 8 years ago, mailperson. Because our mail is being left ON THE FRONT STOOP. Between the screen door and front door. Yes, it is a bit odd that our mailbox is on the side of our house, but that has never confused anyone before now. I mean, can you imagine that the Post Office would let us NOT HAVE A MAILBOX? Really? Who graded this person's civil servant test? I call for a retroactive flunking.

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