Friday, March 26, 2010

Psalm 46:10

Be still, and know that I am God.

If there were an image of me doing adoption research, it would be of the Tasmanian Devil, who alternately is allowed to function at his normal speed (which of course is insanely fast and spastic) and then medicated to be calm. UP and DOWN. FAST and SLOW. SPASTIC and CALM.

I research, I get excited, I find a factor that prevents, I get upset, I research something else, my excitement builds again, I hit another let down, I notch up my upset level...are you picturing him? The Tasmanian Devil, that is. Can you see me as him? :)

And then I remember the above verse, and I make myself calm down. I give myself the pep talk that I've had internally millions of times: "It's God's plan and HIS timing. He will show you when it's time. BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT HE IS GOD. He made it 100% clear last time when HE was ready, and He will do so again this time when HE is ready. Be a good servant, pay off the debt, and wait for HIS direction."

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