Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Thursday Tinkle Tally

I'm quite legendary for the amount of tinkle breaks I take during the day (I've even been tested for a condition, which luckily came back negative).  I knew my current job was a keeper when they gave me the office right next door to the bathroom.  My problems with frequent urination are 3-fold:
  1. I consume A LOT of beverages during the day.
  2. I apparently have a small bladder, with a fold in it (the former is suspected, the latter is confirmed by a doctor).
  3. When The Beast is fired up, it puts extra pressure on my bladder.
I have been threatening for awhile now to keep a tally of how many times I go during the day.  I really should do it again on day 1 or 2 of my period because it is much higher.  But here are today's findings, which I will update again tomorrow to include tonight at home.

It is 3:30 pm, and I am headed to pee for the 6th time today (1x time at home, 5x at work).

I forgot to really pay attention last night, but I think I went an additional 3 to 4 times at home.  So, I'm calling the final Thursday Tinkle Tally = 10.

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