Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I found the magical pill, but it is hard to swallow

Let's talk numbers, shall we? Well, more like I'm going to allude to numbers. I can't let the true weight numbers out of the bag. Literally the only people who know what I weigh are me, the people at the doctor's office, and one male friend who I handed a sheet to one time FORGETTING my weight was on it. We were discussing how all my other numbers were good (blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar) and once I had handed it to him and then remembered my weight was on it, I was like a cartoon character trying to rewind myself. And he said, "There is no way that is what you weigh." Hence why I won't share that number with you. I am glad to report that as of this morning I weigh TWELVE pounds less than I did on Feb. 12. I think from last summer that means a loss of at least FOURTEEN pounds.

So anyway, my new (short-term) goal weight is 8 lbs away. I have chosen that weight as the next goal because that is the weight that sent me running to Weight Watchers in 2003. Yes, that is correct, the 2003 freakout weight ended up going up TWENTY-TWO pounds over the following six years. Sad. So sad. But note, that is only a little over 3.5 lbs a year. You have been warned, skinny girls.

Here's how I'm going about it this time:
  • Using to track my calories (aren't you proud, Lauren!)
  • Working out on the treadmill and using my collection of various workout DVDs
  • Cutting way back on Dr. Pepper
  • Drinking lots more water
  • Trying to cut back on sugar in general
  • Eating out less, bringing my lunch more
  • Making healthier choices overall
I mean, who knew this combination could work?! Quick, contact the media!


Kissey said...

YAY! i say this as my jeans cut off circulation to my upper thighs. let me know if you want recipes/tips/rants.

Chicken's Mom said...

Any and all of the above!