Thursday, October 15, 2009

Don't Think About Elephants!

In my former job, I was exposed to the concept of framing your message. And I read a really cool article by an organization called the Frameworks Institute ( -- I hope it's ok to link to this ezine. I am of the quote your references mind frame being back in school, so I thought it necessary.

Anyhoo, I just love this little scenario, and I couldn't help but think of it yesterday while Sara and I were IM'ing. Sara had the best of intentions with her IM info. She was wailing about the calories in Double Stuff Oreos. And what should have been cautionary or even preventative info just made me go, "Oooh, Oreos sound so good right now." And I think this is an overall affliction for me with any sort of dieting. I have to think so much about what to eat and not eat (and how much to eat or not eat) that it just makes me think about it all the time! Emily, stop thinking about elephants!

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