Thursday, July 23, 2009

Surprise Domestic Goddess

We've always had a rule in our house that before you can go on vacation the house has to be clean and the car has to be clean (inside and out). For the car, this is usually the only time a year this actually happens. I have carried over these practices from childhood to adulthood, so on top of packing and preparing to leave work each year, there is all this extra stuff to do! But how good it feels to come home to a clean house.

The past few years at the townhouse have brought out an unheard cleanliness in me. It could be because it doesn't belong to me and I'm less forgiving of other people's dirty. It could be that there are more people staying in less square footage (and people who are no longer used to living together) that makes me more willing. But I suspect the main reason is that the condo is free to me (thanks, Daddy!) and so I feel a need to pull my weight. So ye of little faith, know that for a few weeks each year, I obtain a higher level of domestication! Don't worry, it doesn't take long for me to fall back into my terrible habits.

It's always interesting to see which amenities will surpass or not meet those of home. I decided to compile a list this year:
  • Shower size: Home is the clear winner.
  • Hot water: Townhouse is the clear winner.
  • Kitchen size: Home.
  • Kitchen cleanliness: HOME!
  • Mattress comfort and linens: Home.
  • View: Townhouse by a long shot.
  • Peace: Townhouse. And it wins bonus points for being cat free.
Until next year, Premier Townhouses! But psst, please let #2-6 be available. No more #1-8.

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