Here is the description of the "Human Temperament" of the Mouse:
Perceived as the black sheep with a slightly disreputable character (say what?), individuals ruled by the mouse are viewed as such due to their quiet ability to remain invisible yet resourceful and productive at the same time. Competent in their own abilities and aware of their limitations, they maximize opportunity and end up dominating much to the surprise and chagrin of others. They are bewildering and awe-inspiring in their talents to get out of the direst of situations in a manner that projects a sense of invincibility. They are the giant killers; the underdogs taking down number one without anyone actually understanding how. Humorous individuals who carry serious undertones, they rely on instinct and intuition rather than logic and rationality, and it often proves more reliable. They do things their own way, finding a direct path to reach goals that are designed uniquely for them. While seemingly small and vulnerable, they overcome fears easily, pushing forward, taking chances, and trusting in a higher guidance, even if that means knocking others off course.I bolded items I agree with above. Thoughts?