Thursday, May 5, 2011

Coincidence is God's Way of Remaining Anonymous

I set my sails for a new direction, but the wind got in my way...Eric Church

Quite awhile ago, we set our sails for this second journey.  But I let the winds of frustration, bitterness, worry, doubt, and many others push us off course.  This past month I have been in an awful place, which in turn pushed us further and further back from the starting line.  Just yesterday I had nearly decided that I was wrong, this was not our path.  But last night, I felt the bitterness leave my heart.  In its place was thankfulness for my blessed life: my family, my friends, my health, my opportunities.  And even though I was off path, I was on my way to finding peace again.  But I had started to believe this journey wasn't for us.

I woke up today and realized it was May 5.  In our world, May 5 does not equate Cinco de Mayo.  In our world, it is the day our precious son landed with us on US soil.  A day when after being in and out of airplanes and airports, we were greeted at approximately 9 pm at the GTR airport by nearly 40 people.  The most amazing crowd of family and friends, with banners and balloons in tow, were brought to complete quiet by my finger upon my lips.  The airport is my hospital; my stage to present the blessing He gave us.  Not the easy way, not the normal way, but our way. 

Five years have passed now.  And how amazing they have been.  And how humbled I am today that my celebratory Facebook post garnered 33 likes and 8 comments.  And I was reminded subtly that sometimes this journey is bigger than us.  Sometimes this journey is a testament to Him, and a HOPE to others who may be considering this path.

So this afternoon I received a call from a contract social worker.  This is particularly odd since we have not officially applied (with either agency).  I have not returned not a single document to the state agency.  All I have done is email with the contact there.  Funny how that call came today.  Funny how God just pushed me right back where he wants me to be, brushing aside my excuses. Funny how today was Holt's A Day to Pray...

Let me share one more story with you, friends - Isaac's story.  Even if this isn't your path, pray for these children.  And be open to promoting adoption to others in your circle. 

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