Wednesday, October 27, 2010

30-Day Blog Challenge: Day 5

Day 5: Siblings

I have two brothers, Jeremiah and Jeb.  Jeremiah is three years older than me, and Jeb is seven years younger.

Jeremiah has always marched to the beat of his own drummer.  He is an introvert who doesn't talk to outsiders much.  Do not let this fool you into thinking he's not opinionated because holy moly is he.  He's very into music - music that I am woefully uncool to know most of the time.  Though we are very different, we do share some common ground in liking Harry Potter, the Michael Scott Nicholas Flamel book series, and The Office.  (Jeb also shares our love of Harry Potter and The Office.)  He is an accountant/controller for a cattle company and is a cattle farmer also.  He is extremely tight with money, and his net worth reflects it.  He is married to a school teacher and has two beautiful daughters.  He loves the Braves, and he is still a good athlete too.

My younger brother shocked us all when he declared in the 10th grade - out of nowhere - that he wanted to attend college at the military academy in New York.  Say what??  And once that dude puts his mind to something...yeah, well he graduated from there last summer.  He's now learning to fly Blackhawk helicopters and is engaged to a Japanese woman that he met in Africa.  So I guess it's pretty safe to say they both march to the beat of their own drummers.  Oh yeah, and he too is a tight-wad.  I have no idea what happened to me in the middle.


I love my brothers tremendously.  And even though we are "day-to-day" different, I definitely consider us close.  No, we are not the type to talk on the phone to each other every day.  But we have a solid bond and we like each other.  Not all siblings can say that.  

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