Tuesday, October 26, 2010

30-Day Blog Challenge: Day 1

I've hit a bit of a dry spell with my blogging, as you can see.  No worries, it happens cyclically.  When it swings back around, I usually have too many things to blog about.  So apparently there is this 30-day blog challenge going around.  I only found out about it by stalking other people's blogs.  But it sounded fun, so now I have 30 days worth of things to write about!

Day 1: Introduce yourself, include a recent picture, and tell 15 facts about yourself.

So I still have a thing about not using full names on the blog.  I'm Emily.  I'm sure all of you know that...unless I have some secret readers, and the thought of that thrills me!  You can see my recent work pic in the below post.  Christmas card pics coming soon, so you'll see updated family pics then.

Wow, 15 facts about myself.  Here goes, in no particular order:
  1. I am a middle child, book ended by two brothers.
  2. I work at MSU.
  3. I've been married for over 10 years - do the math, I was 20 when I got married.  Crazy, huh?
  4. I've worked at MSU full-time for 8 years now.
  5. I have two degrees from MSU - a bachelor's degree in Agricultural Information Science and Education and a master's degree in (Educational) Technology.
  6. My son is my world, and I am enamored of the fact that God chose us to parent him.
  7. My husband and I are nearly complete opposites.  That makes life interesting :)
  8. I am a unique combination of a Type A personality (as it applies to school) and a messy, cluttered person.
  9. I am still athletic, even up under all this blubber.
  10. I love food.  All food - healthy food, fattening food, all of it.
  11. I love drinks even more than I love food.  Usually the non-alcoholic kind.
  12. I have ~27 first cousins.  Did I mention I'm Catholic ;)
  13. I grew up on a cattle farm, and I bottle raised calves to save money for college.
  14. I am lucky enough to have never had student loans thanks to the above and scholarships.
  15. I was Salutatorian, Class President, Outstanding Girl, in the Hall of Fame, and the Academic Athlete my senior year in high school.  And just look where that got me ;)

1 comment:

Kasey said...

love this... can't wait to read the next 29 days :)