Monday, June 20, 2011

The Cheaper Chicken

I spent well over an hour today in the Okt Co Health Department waiting to get my TB skin test.  In 2005 Doug and I went together to the ER to have this done.  But Dr. W's nurse spoke the magic words to me for this time, "The Health Department is a lot cheaper."  Well sign me up!

Of the papers that we lack turning in, the health forms - which need the TB tests along with those skin-crawling blood tests - and a permission for background check are pretty much all that is left for the home study (I think!  I HOPE!).  The latter form is no big deal at all...IF I could find our SS cards.  But alas, I have not woken up at 2 am with the epiphany about where they are, so today I added SS Replacement Card forms to my to do list.  Oh, Emily...

As I was patiently waiting at the health department, it occurred to me just how funny the receptionist's opening comment was:
If you have time to wait, take a seat over there.
Pull up a chair, lady, and I'll tell you about waiting... :)

Our first social worker meeting is Thursday!  We appreciate your thoughts and prayers!

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