Tuesday, July 20, 2010

By the Numbers

Confession: I have been doing WW (again) for the past 7 weeks, and I have lost 8 pounds. I have a great support network this time (though I'm not outing anyone on here), but I'm still having trouble committing 100%. Even the high of losing - and the frustrating fact that I should be losing 2 pounds a week instead of a little over 1 - has not pushed me to give it my all. I need therapy.

But anyway, in an effort to pump myself up, here are some updates:
  • I am now 0.4 pounds away from the first goal set by WW.

  • I am 3.5 pounds away from what I consider my first goal - the weight I was in 2002 (or was it 2003?) when I first joined WW.

  • I am still 16.5 pounds away from the top of my weight range (based on height and my self-categorization of a medium-sized frame). I am using this chart: http://www.healthchecksystems.com/heightweightchart.htm

  • I am down around 6 pounds from this time last year.

  • I am down 10 pounds from the beginning of 2009.

  • I am down AT LEAST 20 pounds from my heaviest weight (2007-2008). Like most women, I don't truly know my heaviest weight because...say it with me...we stop weighing when it gets really bad.
Sara and I are about to kick up our exercise schedule, which I'm really excited about. Oh yeah, and my pants are threatening to fall off today, even PMS'ing...which is a rant for tomorrow.


mkraiz said...

Awesome! I looked at the chart you mentioned and it just pisses me off! hahaha! I am about 25 pounds from the top threshold for my height assuming a medium build. I can't imagine me at 144lbs, I got down to 150 and I had no meat on me (well, in certain areas).

Chicken's Mom said...

Wait, are we the same height?

Kasey said...

That's great!!! I have so much to lose I don't even want to think about it. I resemble a whale these days. Keep up the good work!