Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Summer Wardrobe

I'll never win a fashion award, we all know this. But I get especially tickled at myself come spring. 99% of my work pants are year round pants. I have one pair that is only for fall/winter, and one pair of work capris that are obviously only for spring/summer. I switch out heels for sandals, and sometimes like today flip-flops!, and semi-professional tops for t-shirts...which I "dress up" with necklaces and scarves.

I live in fear constantly that one of my friends will turn me in to What Not To Wear. Shudder.


Katie V. said...

I would love to go on "What not to Wear"...Pick me, Pick me!

Chicken's Mom said...

What is wrong with all of you? What about the EMBARRASSMENT?!