Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Just a Peak

As I was about to drift off to sleep the other night, I was berating myself for what I usually refer to as falling off the wagon as far as my menu planning and grocery buying goes. But I realized that wasn't the best descriptor because I am still doing it to some degree, just not quite as well as I had been. And it popped into my mind that I work much like the cliffhanger game on The Price is Right. You can over or under bid on that bottle of Mylanta, but not by too much. And maybe that difference of the Mylanta wasn't too bad, but when you combine it with the difference of that can of pork & beans and the dog chow, well now you are in trouble.

That's how I operate too often. I tell myself I can slack up just a bit in menu planning and grocery buying, but that means I also slack up a bit in eating out. And the combination equals Emily as the Yodeler plunging off the cliff.

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