Thursday, December 22, 2011

Kansas Thanksgiving: Day 2 - Post Tour

So, was it worth it to take an entire day to drive to Kansas?  Yep...

After enjoying a leisurely morning while Jeb was at work, which included inducting Emi into the Christmas Vacation club, we set off to Fort Riley.  We had lunch, visited the PX, then got a driving tour of post once Jeb got off work.  The oddest part was when he took us to the simulator and we witnessed lower-ranking soldiers "sir'ing" him.  Jeb, Emi and Elliott all participated in the simulator.  Mom and I were unable to even watch due to our equilibrium issues.  We took the opportunity to get in some exercise walking around parking lots.

Next up, we went to the Blackhawk hangar:
 Uncle Jeb gave Elliott the full rundown.

We finished up our day with our Thanksgiving grocery shopping at the Commissary.  Elliott had reached his limit by this point.

My hunt for cornmeal will be important for Day 3...

Kansas Thanksgiving: Day 1 - Drive Time

Better late than never...
On Tuesday, Nov. 22, we set out for Ogen, Kansas, to have Thanksgiving with Jeb and Emi.  We left at 5 am on my sweet boy's 6th birthday.  He was a great rider, keeping himself entertained with his Leapster, new TAG, coloring books, and of course, his trusty DVD player*.

Burger King birthday lunch

Me: Elliott, we are going to stop at a cheese store.
Elliott: Do they sell cheesecake?
Me and Mom: hahahahahaha

The only difficult part of the trip was driving through Kansas City.  This heavy traffic coincided with it getting dark and the DVD player dying, the combination of which led to an Elliott meltdown.  Thank goodness for the books on tape, wisely suggested by Aunt Kathy.

We finally arrived 14 hours later!

Uncle Jeb and Aunt Emi had a birthday surprise (and spaghetti) waiting on us!

Friday, December 9, 2011

I'm Alive...and Well

Dear Friends,

No, I have not fallen off the face of the earth.  The last 8 weeks at work have been so insane that I've just been a bit off kilter.  I have lots of tidbits to share with you, but today I'll stick to the most exciting ones.

Our last papers made it to the agency Tuesday!  
Our dossier was shipped TODAY to China!!!

As if that is not exciting enough, today is the 6th anniversary of Elliott's referral.  Wow, talk about a great day for the packet to go!

I am very anxious for us to get our Log In Date (LID) in China because then we will be eligible for a referral.  I'm tired of waiting! (said in my best cry baby voice)

If you don't really "get" me, then you won't realize how hard it was for me to go ahead and hang baby girl's stocking:

But I did...